Experimental houses were the first to be built as part of the construction of Silesian Suburbs – North. These dwellings were to test the newly developed HK 60 construction system, used by Jaroslav Škaloud and František Steiner, employees of Stavoprojekt in Hradec Králové. The system was to replace the brick panels used to build the earlier residential blocks along SNP Street and the T 02 B and T 03 B block panels. The structural span of the new system was unusually wide, 6.2m (while 6m was the earlier and later standard) and the mass of the ceiling panels was reduced by cylindrical cavities. The HK 60 system thus competed with the oldest Zlín G series, as well as the contemporary B60 system developed in Brno, the G-OS variant developed in Ostrava, and the G57-OL developed in Olomouc.
No protection methods are recorded.
Jaroslav Škaloud, Hradecký panelový dům, Pozemní stavby, roč. VIII, 1960, č. 4, s. 193
Vzniká prototyp celomontovaného domu, Pochodeň, roč. XLVIII, 1959, č. 91, 13. 11., s. 1
Diskuse: K experimentálnímu projektování, Architektura ČSSR, roč. XIX, 1960, s. 559
Karel Storch, Nová technika a architektura v Československu, Praha 1961, s. 27
Jaroslav Pokorný, Nové typové podklady bytových domů, Architektura ČSSR, roč. XXI, 1962, s. 13–23
Ladislav Zikmund-Lender, Struktura města v zeleni: Moderní architektura v Hradci Králové, Hradec Králové 2017, s. 243