Sugar factory in Choltice for Count Theodor Thun, (Václav Nekvasil as the architect, Antonín Čerych as the builder).
Baron Parish’s farmstead in Žamberk
Sugar factory at Bedřich Karel Kinský’s estate in Kostelec nad Orlicí
Joint-stock sugar factory in Opatovice (Opatovice Joint Agrarian Sugar Factory)
Sugar factory of the High Marshal of the Bohemian Kingdom Prince Jiří of Lobkowitz in Rožďalovice.
Railway buildings in Bavaria
Large school house in Cheb
The building of the School of Arts and Industry and the Academy of Painting in Prague, 1 Palachovo náměstí Square (builder, František Schmoranz Sr. was the architect).
Town Hall in Prague–Karlín
Pankrác Prison
Equestrian barracks in Vysoké Mýto
Czechoslovak Business Academy in Prague, Resslova Street
Royal Czech Provincial Reformatory in Opatovice nad Labem
Equestrian barracks in Pardubice
Municipal malthouse in Hradec Králové
Cadet school in Prague–Hradčany, today the headquarters of the Czech Ministry of Defence
Brewery in Prague–Braník
Rudolfinum, Diocesan Institute for the Deaf and Dumb in Hradec Králové, (builder, Arnošt Jenčovský was the architect)
Cooperative agrarian storage in Kukleny, grain granary of the agricultural cooperative storage and production in Hradec Králové in Hradec Králové and Nechanice
The Palace of the Chamber of Commerce and Trade in Prague in today’s Náměstí Republiky Square.
Academic Grammar School in Prague, today the main building of the Prague Conservatory
Bank building of the branch of the Austro-Hungarian Bank in Hradec Králové (demolished in 1933)
Credit Union in Hradec Králové, 177 Tomkova Street (builder, Rudolf Nemec was the architect)
Oldřich Liska’s tenement house in Hradec Králové, 633 and 672 Švehlova Street (builder, designed by architect Oldřich Liska)
Grammar School in Třeboň
Mental hospital in Prague–Bohnice, 16 buildings and another 7 buildings built in 1908; mental hospital in Horní Beřkovice, 3 buildings.
Palace of the Wiener Bankverein (Vienna Banking Union) in Prague, Na Můstku (as builder, Josef Zasche was the architect)
Monumental building for state offices in Prague–Smíchov, today the seat of the Central Bohemian Region.
Czech Technical University in Brno, 331Veveří Street
Residential houses for the association of civil servants in Přerov
Palm Garden (builder, Jan Kotěra was the architect)
Juliš’s house in Hradec Králové (builder, Bohumil Waigant was the architect)
The new building of the CreditUnion in Hradec Králové (builder, Osvald Polívka was the architect)
Sanatorium in Prague–Podolí
Palace of the Koruna Insurance Company in Prague, Wenceslas Square (builder, Matěj Blecha was the architect)
Bank building of the branch of the Austro-Hungarian Bank, Dvůr Králové nad Labem
Palace of the General Pension Institute in Prague, Rašínovo nábřeží Embankment (builder, together with A. Möse; Jan Kotěra, Josef Zasche were the architects)
Palace of the Austro-Hungarian Bank in Mladá Boleslav
War hospital in Pardubice
Czech Realschule in Prague, Křížovnická Street, Prague
Administrative and economic buildings and workers’ houses of the Maštálka a spol. company, sugar factory in Dolní Bousov.
50 workers’ houses in Prague Suburbs for the Building Cooperative for Hradec Králové and its Surroundings (semi-detached houses in Družstevní, Raisova, Rubešova and Sádovská Streets).
Conversion of the Rudolfinum and the Academic Grammar School into buildings of the Czechoslovak Parliament
Single room for single men in Prague-Libeň
5 tenement houses, Prague–Holešovice
Teachers’ houses in Prague (builder, with Ing. F. Troníček, Otakar Novotný was the architect)
3 municipal emergency houses, Nymburk
Municipal tenement houses, Prague-Karlín
Construction of the Robert Schmidt-Václav Nekvasil company in Hradec Králové, see the corresponding entry
Palace of the Bank of Czechoslovakia. 733 Legií Street in Prague (builder; designed by architect Josef Gočár)
Kaunitz university dormitory in Brno
25 houses for the Building Cooperative of Municipal and State Officials at Ořechovka in Prague–Střešovice and 8 houses for the Building Cooperative of Municipal Officials of the Municipality of Prague of its institutions and enterprises.
Residential buildings in Prague for Škoda factories
District hospital in Jičín (builder, Čeněk Musil was the architect)
Dairy of the Agrarian Cooperative Enterprises in Jičín.
Agricultural School in Jičín (builder, Čeněk Musil was the architect)
The building of the Umělecká Beseda association in Prague
Family houses of the “Our Home” cooperative in Prague–Břevnov (builder, František Roith was the architect)
Reconstruction of the state sugar factory in Smiřice nad Labem
Reconstruction and extension of the sugar factory in Syrovátka
Masaryk university dormitory in Prague–Dejvice.
State hydroelectric power plant in Přelouč
Banknote printing shop for the National Bank in Prague, Růžová Street
Adaptation of Villa Bianca in Prague–Bubeneč for the General Director of Škoda Plants,. Karel Löwenstein
Reconstruction of the sugar factory in Předměřice nad Labem.
Prague City Library, Mariánské náměstí Square (builder, František Roith was the architect)
Municipal Savings Bank in Nymburk
YMCA Palace in Prague, Na Poříčí Street (builder, Eduard Hnilička was the architect)
Workers’ Insurance Company, a monumental building on the Vltava embankment in Prague–Holešovice
Weaving mill of Čerych company in Jaroměř
“Humanita” sanatorium for pulmonary diseases in Prosečnice v Posázaví
Masaryk Homes in Krč, Central Care Institute of the Capital City of Prague (9 buildings) (builder, in consortium with Ptáčník and Záruba-Pfeffermann companies)
The Agricultural Museum in Bratislava, today the main building of the Slovak National Museum
Ladislav Feierabend’s house in Prague, Ořechovka
Adaptation of Dr. Vavro Šrobár’s villa in Bratislava, an important Slovak politician
Buildings of the Ministry of Finance in Prague, Lesser Town
Škoda Palace in Prague, Jungmannovo náměstí Square (builder, Pavel Janák was the architect)
Reconstruction and extension of the Czernin Palace, the seat of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (builder, Pavel Janák was the architect)
Regional Court in Uzhhorod (builder, Adolf Liebscher Jr. was the architect)
Thermal power plant in Uzhhorod
Social house of the Women’s Club of the Czech Republic, 594 Ve Smečkách Street (builder, Milada Petříková-Pavlíková was the architect)
The Palace of the Czech Industrial Bank in Prague on the corner of Panská Street and Na Příkopě Street (builder; concrete works were carried out by the Czech-Moravian Construction Joint Stock Company in Prague together with Kapsa and Müller company)
Border military fortification near Opava
Border military fortification near Chrastava