Vladimír František Hofman was born in Italy in 1900. Between 1920 and 1922, he studied architecture and civil engineering at the Czech Technical University in Prague. After graduation, he founded an architectural studio with architect Evžen Linhart, with whom he collaborated until the beginning of the WWII. Between 1926 and 1927, he collaborated with Rudolf Hrabě on the purist tenement houses at 710 and 711 Sekaninova Street, which have smooth façade, large three-part windows, and profiled lesenes. Hofman collaborated with Evžen Linhart on the family house at 772 Tylišovská Street in Prague-Dejvice, as well, which is a functionalist villa with strip windows, a residence roof terrace, and a small, semicircular balcony. At 822 Krocínova Street, he designed a slightly more conservative villa a tent roof with a façade defined by other functionalist elements. In Hradec Králové, Hofman and Linhart collaborated on the of the Dr. Vilma Gottwaldová-Felkelová’s functionalist house in 1933–1934. In 1938, Hofman was approached to take part in the competition for the new building of the Savings Bank of Hradec Králové in today’s Osvoboditelů Square opposite the Kotěra Museum. However, the design did not survive, although Hofman’s project was judged to be the winning one. War events thwarted the construction. Even with this commission, Hofman referred to his ongoing collaboration with Evžen Linhart.
The author would like to thank Pavel Šimáček and Gabriele Pavlišová for their archival research at the Czech Technical University Archives in Prague.
Other Works
Apartment houses, 710–711 Sekaninova Street, Prague-Nusle (with Rudolf Hrabě)
Villa, 772 Tylišovská Street, Prague-Dejvice (with Evžen Linhart)
Villa, 822 Krocínova Street, Prague-Dejvice (with Evžen Linhart)
- Archiv ČVUT, matrika studentů
Rostislav Švácha, Od moderny k funkcionalismu: Proměny pražské architektury první poloviny dvacátého století, Praha 1994, s. 514; 531; 536
Pavel Vlček (ed.), Encyklopedie architektů, stavitelů, zedníků a kameníků v Čechách, Praha 2004, s. 241
Ladislav Zikmund-Lender, Struktura města v zeleni: Moderní architektura v Hradci Králové, Hradec Králové 2017, s. 179–181
Ladislav Zikmund-Lender, Odzvání se starým formám“: Spořitelna královéhradecká jako agent na poli meziválečné architektury v Hradci Králové, Královéhradecko, 2022, roč. 13, s. 163–188